My efforts to establish a salad everyday routine led me a few different places including this book Salad Freak. I read through the getting started, staples, kitchen and pantry essentials sort of stuff and then the first five or so recipes. At that point I decided to seek guidance elsewhere. That is not because the book had fallen short in some way - on the contrary, it had elevated salad to an artform. It had debuted mainstage and was not something satisfied to peek at the entree from the sidelines. Just about any recipe in this book could hold its own and become a meal - sometimes it might ask for a simple side of protein. That is not the kind of spectacular salad I am seeking. The salad I want to turn out reliably once a day every per my plan, needs to be simple but not terribly boring.
There has to be small element of surprise but it cannot be entirely composed of surprise and delight. Furthermore, salad-making is not the sole avocation of my life - I do have to work and pay the bills. Food is important and eating healthy even more so, but that cannot require that I carve out twenty hours from my work-week to set myself up for ongoing salad success - that gets beyond the point of untenable. I assume a lot of average people who work full-time will experience similar challenges with this book. The point of each recipe it seemed was to elevate the humble salad to be more than it was ever intended to be. With such elevation comes pain for the would-be salad-maker. If they are like me they will get away from this book and find something more suitable to their life and salad paygrade. I am still looking.