Kudos to this woman for being able to get honest feedback on why she was not hired for the job - not wasting an hour of her life to put on a face - that is called making an effort when you are a woman and seeking a senior level position.
..As an HR expert herself, Weaver pushed for feedback, which is when she was told via email by the recruiter that the company was "concerned that you didn't put forth enough effort into your appearance given you were interviewing for a Vice President role."
Putting effort into your appearance when female has no single or simple answer. How much effort is enough is the question. What if a woman looks at herself in the mirror and has no problem with what looks back at her. Maybe she applied a lot of effort to remain physically and mentally healthy and takes pride that the results show. But for the person in the video call making a decision about hiring her, that would not be enough - this woman did not aim to look flawless and airbrushed. How can she be possibly trusted to do her job.
I have known a few female leaders how absolutely do not "put forth enough effort" into their appearance. I like to believe that they are so above and beyond good at what they do, that such minor detail no longer touches them. It's great that these ladies are so exceptional but it does not have to be the only way you get away without makeup while being a woman.