My friend T shared a short video of her performing Bharat Natyam on stage for some big celebration at her work. The last time I have seen her dressed for dance and on stage was in college. Other than being physically a bit slower than she was then, it was all the same - like time had not moved at all. T had a decade of training before college and continued to learn once she started working for maybe another decade. A very large part of her life has been about dance and other things came to exist around it.
I remember being in awe of her ability to express herself so wonderfully. She was one of those that innately loved dance, had a lot of natural talent which the training helped perfect. It was not hard for her find time to practice for an hour each day - she looked forward to it. It was T's time to escape into her zone. I love dance but have absolutely no talent for it. For people like T, they have that gift and can create a world with it they can escape to. For me, that has to be pieced together painstakingly with different things that I enjoy and am somewhat decent at. In her pictures and that video, T is beaming, She has escaped into her perfect world.
This is not the same T you would see off-stage going about the mundane business or her life, working, running errands, doing domestic chores like the rest of us. She too can be tired, irritated, aggravated, sad and upset. Once she had her dancing bells on and the music comes on, she had achieves escape velocity. It was so wonderful and inspiring to see that it is all still there, that perfect unblemished world.