Missed this piece of news while being inundated by stuff all around - at home and work. Customer data tracking is butting up against a raft of regulations these days and as I customer I am very much in favor of not being tracked. The advice for businesses is simple ".. start working on finding other ways to track consumer data in a way that is safe and follows privacy laws". In real terms that means establishing an upfront "contract" with the customer you want to track. Show them a sliding scale of value in return of information collected. No data collection no value, highest data collection, highest value.
Let the consumer decide where there appetite for giving up privacy fits and what price they are willing to pay for the value. I personally found the in-home Covid tests fairly intrusive in terms of data being collected while not doing enough to understand the patient's infection and recovery in the context of their profile, medical and travel history. It felt like blunt instrument for the purpose it was meant to serve. But when viewed through the lens of value to consumer, an airlines partnership starts to make a lot more sense. A customer may be far more willing in this case because the value is evident.