Watched Qala a few days ago and it was a great experience. There is a societal expectation that a mother's love for her child is and must be unconditional. Everyone operates under the assumption this is an inviolable truth of nature. Yet for those who do not experience such love or are unable to feel it, the world they live becomes impossible for others to access. They live in a personal hell while appearing to be just like anyone else - those normal people whose mothers are capable of and do love their children unconditionally. Such is the case with the mother and daughter in this story.
The desperation for the mother's love and approval takes a young woman past her break point, the mother is unable break free from the icicles that surround her heart like a permafrost. The mother's universe is confined to herself and the blighted dreams of the past of which the daughter only serves as a sad reminder everyday. There is no redemption for one whose existence is their first mistake. Both characters are very well played. The music was able to create the ambience for the era in which the story is set.