Sometimes and ad is so nicely made, it makes you not hate it at all no matter how often it comes on. Discover's Jennifer series may turn into one of those. Its funny, quirky and touches some common chord. We like exclusive to be truly exclusive so we feel special but so does everyone else.
That is the sentiment these ads have tapped into very artfully. I for one am looking forward to what comes next. I cannot think of another time when I could say this about an ad since chuckling at the latest Amul ad back in my childhood. Amul felt the pulse of the country and the paid advertising homage to the the most trending topic of the day. Apparently, the jabs Amul ads could freely take back in my time are not so beloved these days.
While the Amul girl’s snark has tempered, she remains omnipresent. She’s on every packet of Amul milk, with 40 million sold per day. At least once a week, her ad is in the pages of the top 30 newspapers in the country, amounting to roughly 40 million copies, and her face appears on roughly a hundred billboards in the country, including one just three miles from the daCunha Agency’s Mumbai office — where illustrator Jayant Rane, 63, has sketched and painted every Amul ad by hand since 1988.
It will be interesting how Jennifer fares before she runs into trouble like the Amul girl did.