It's a sizeable portion of the population that misses the lockdown atleast in the UK. Maybe this is true for the rest of the world too. overwhelming majority of respondents reported that, yeah, actually, they did miss lockdown life – 66.9 per cent of them, to be exact. For all the sadness and boredom born out of the pandemic, many of you experienced significant improvements in day-to-day-life. Away from all the noise, focusing on enjoying things you perhaps didn’t have time to before made for some eye-opening realisations. Even for non-introverts, the pandemic created time in the day that did not exist before and with it the need to be alone. A combination that may have brought out hidden facets of character and rewarding moments of clarity. I never enjoyed traveling for work and like it even less now. All parts of it feel artificial and unnecessary. We did just fine working remotely but now that it is possible to travel, somehow what worked for a couple of years is no ...
crossings as in traversals, contradictions, counterpoints of the heart though often not..