We definitely live in interesting times. This year the holidays have bled into one another as far as retailers are concerned. There was some signs of Halloween, mixed with Thanksgiving fare but Christmas has been along for the ride the whole time. Walking into a store in years past gave you reliable visual cues for what time of year it was - now its Christmas for nearly half the year. It seems like retailers have set their eye on the prize - the biggest shopping event of the year. Coming out of a long pandemic, people can't wait for holidays to be like they once used to be The term "Christmas" was the most searched-for term on the site in mid-September, two weeks earlier than last year and eight weeks earlier than 2020 While that may be a key search term, but belts are tightening and many on the list from prior years to receive gifts in prior years will not make the cut this year. Back in mid-September the world was still crazy but one could hope for a better turn of e...
crossings as in traversals, contradictions, counterpoints of the heart though often not..