Reading Never Spilt the Difference and the one of the first lessons he demonstrates working in workplace is that of mirroring. I have not seen it done exactly how Voss describes it but it called to mind something similar I have seen done by a former colleague. I respected S for his emotional intelligence and ability to put customers at complete ease. He could talk about a concept in his head as if it were ready for prime time and the customer would be eager to give us a shot. I learned a lot from observing S in action. He would almost always replay what he had heard from a customer no matter whether the conversation was happening by phone or in-person. It would almost always be a concise summary of what they had stated and no more. Once the customer confirmed he had it right, S would clarify any conclusions he had drawn based on what he had heard thus far. The way he did it was so flawless that the customer might not realize he was already sowing seeds of the solution he intended to s...
crossings as in traversals, contradictions, counterpoints of the heart though often not..