My friend M told me a strange workplace story last time we met for lunch. They had a bi-weekly call with their skip-level manager - something this guy does to rally the troops and give them a chance to engage with him directly. A very notable exception in her company which is fixated with level and title. M and her peers are appreciative of the gesture and effort. However, this last call went quite strangely - the majority of the time was spent in discussing questions and concerns about attendance in the office, how it is tracked and what happens when some folks are flagged for habitual patterns of non-compliance. Folks were asking this guy scenario questions like if my dog were to become deathly ill and need me to give him medications five times a day, can I stay home for the day. The answer was that should be okay as long as the reason is properly documented and the manager has awareness of the situation. Someone else had a question about taking off a day in the week every week until...
crossings as in traversals, contradictions, counterpoints of the heart though often not..